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Meet The Team


Erin Devers


Erin Devers received a PhD in psychology from Indiana University, and is a Professor at Indiana Wesleyan University. As a social psychologist and educator, her work has centered on creative uses of technology to nudge students/fellow educators/parents towards good decision-making practices.


Specifically, she has used nudges to reduce stress and improve job performance among early childhood educators, increase enrollment in a free preschool program, encourage learning in
university settings, and increase feelings of social belonging.


Allie Alayan 

Senior Data Analyst

Allie Alayan is a PhD candidate in the psychology department at Colorado State University. She received a MS in Psychology from Colorado State University and a MA in Clinical Psychology from Wheaton College. Allie is interested in studying best practices in teaching and learning, career development approaches, and the implementation of positive psychology practices. Specifically, she explores these topics through quantitative and scale development analyses.

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